Under the Compulsory Crop Insurance system, the crops of Paddy, Maize, Chilli, Potato, Onion and Soya are entitled to a cover of Rs.40,000/= per acre only for flood, drought and wild elephant damage on the government’s insurance premium contribution.
In addition to this, as the cost of cultivation has increased nowadays, an insurance of Rs.100,000/= per acre is necessary. 6,400/= available for premium.

CropInsurance Ak : 01PremiumRisks Covered
• Rice • Sweet Corn • Chili • Potato • Soya • Big Onion40,000/=Government Insurance Contribution• Floods • Drought • Wild elephants • Insect damage - 200/= • Diseases – 200/= • Fire - 200/= • Other wild animals - 800/=
• Rice • Sweet Corn • Chili • Potato • Soya • Big Onion100,000/=6,400/=All risks

To get Insurance for your Crop Insurance Scheme

Meet the District Offices of Agriculture and Rural Insurance Board/ Representatives of Agriculture and Rural Insurance Board/ Agricultural Research and Production Assistant Officers in your area.